My purpose for creating this web site ~~
I am very interested,involved and work with things PSI on a daily basis. Being such a person, I was 'inspired' to create
this venue in order to accomplish what I felt to be 'a mission' that was needing to be done. When I say inspired, I don't
mean 'ahhh, I have an idea'. I mean that when I become inspired, things take on a life of their own and I am only the vehicle
this inspiration passes through. I am the means of getting it done. It is almost effortless to do as these thoughts/projects
build themselves.
This information will simply reside on the Internet and be available for those who need it in one fashion or another.
This is just one more of 'those things' that I am called to do and 'nag' at me until I do them. In the past, the rewards of
following such 'callings' have been well worth it and I've never been sorry that I followed 'the hunch', the 'whim', the 'need
to fulfill' it. It's in the giving that I also receive.