To go to this forum, click on this link. We look forward to having you join us.
About the Marriage, Affairs & Relationships Forum ~
We are a place where you can discuss issues on your mind in a private atmosphere with caring people who will listen and
not judge. A place where you can brainstorm for solutions or new perspectives. A place for you to be with people who are just
like you... living the human condition called life.
Relationships of ALL kinds can be difficult whether they be with spouses, lovers, friends, family or co-workers but that
doesn't mean we can't have some fun here while sorting out and solving our issues.
This board has recently changed hands and a few changes have been made to create more focus points. I am looking for new
members, adult men and women who are willing to be interactive with one another. Please don't join if you tend to be a lurking
type person. Lurkers add nothing to the flavor or integrity of a board. If you choose to join this group but don't contribute
within a weeks time, your name will be removed from the active members list.
Take a few minutes to read a sampling of our forum shown below. If you find it to your liking, we invite you to join us
and we look forward to your spending some time with us.
General Chat
This is a general discussion forum, open to all participants
Internet friendships/relationships
The internet is here to stay. It's the now accepted way of meeting people who become our friends and loves/lovers. However,
the net has a code of its own ~ different than face to face real life meetings. Discuss the problems, pros & cons here.
Talk about marriage, related problems, good things, not such good things, changes etc.
Having a affair? Had an affair? Feeling guilty? Not feeling guilty & wondering why? It seemed like a good idea at
the time but now...... Want to get some things off your mind? Talk with us about it ~
Life is full of all kinds of relationships and not always easy when peoples emotions, egos and differences are involved.
Want to sort some issues out or brainstorm for solutions? Post your issue and we'll all get busy on it.
Support for divorce, child support, etc.
Second Marriages
Get support here for any problems with second marriages.
EX Marks The Spot
Stories and antidotes of your favorite EX. Heck you can even rant and rave if you want to!
Joys and problems of raising children.
Step Children
Dealing with step children, advice and experiences.
Friends 'n Family
We all have them... those darned friends and relatives !
The workplace ~ co-workers
Work relationships can be a challenge ~ discuss your issues here.
Something really bothering you? Get it off your chest here.
Anything you want to discuss? Looking for solutions? Need a new perspective? If you think we can help, post here.
An ailment so often misunderstood by those whose understanding and support we need the most. Sometimes it's just easier
to *talk* to people on the internet than to those in our daily lives. Talk with us.... that's why we're here.
Weight Loss
Support for weight loss, diet tips, etc.
Favorite Quotes
Funny, profound, wise or silly... post quotes you think we'll like here :)
Sexuality ~
We're human. We're sensual and sexual beings and we bring these aspects of ourselves into relationships. Topic appropriate
discussions can be posted here.
Spiritual & Inspirational ~
There comes a time when we all need an extra boost to help us along in this thing called life. Please contribute anything
you feel to be inspiring/uplifting.
Other Forums are:
The Picture Album
The TV Room
The Laughing Room
The Creative Room
The Grab Bag
....and more
Come Join us !